My heart is made of stone
Anna Trojanowska was born in 1978 in Wrocław, Poland. She holds a Ph.D. Awarded by Academy of Fine Arts and Design (Wrocław, Poland). Until 2015 she has been working as a professors assistant in Studio of Lithography and Graphics’ Promotion. Since 2015 she leads her own studio of Graphic User Interface on her Alma Mater. Her interests includes both: printmaking (mainly marble stone lithography) as well as an animation and graphic user interface design.
She presented her works on numerous exhibitions.
Grand Prix, VIII Premio Ex libris – piccola grafica (Santa Croce sull’Arno, Italy)
Atlante Award, The XV Atlante Engraving Award (Ribeira, A Coruna, Spain)
Miniprint and Exlibris Prize (Nagrada za Minijaturu i Exlibris), The Sixth International Printmaking Biennial (Cacak, Serbia)
Honour Mention, The 23th International Printmaking Triennial (Kraków, Poland)
First Prize, XVII Intrernational Printmaking Biennial “Josep de Ribera” Xativa 2023 (Valencia, Spain)
Honour Mention, XXVIII International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris (Malbork, Poland)
SPECIAL MENTION of the International Contemporary Printmaking Prize dedicated to Maria Luigia Guaita (Florence, Italy)
Honour Mention, Primer Mini Print Internacional Río Cuarto 2022/23 (Río Cuarto, Argentina)
Honour Mention, XI Exlibris Bienal Contratalla (Tarragona, Spain)
Honour Medal, 18th International Triennial Small Graphic Forms (Łódź, Poland)
First Prize and Award of the President of the Association of Polish Visual Artists (Warsaw), 3rd National Printmaking Competition Grafiteka 2022 (Warsaw, Poland)
Frirst Prize, Categoria Profesionales – BIGAI Pequeno Formato, 2021-2022 (Cordoba, Argentina)
First Prize, Tirana International Biennale of Graphic Art (Tirana, Albania)
First Prize (Birincilik Ödülü – Championship Prize), Usak Municipality “Historical and Cultural Traces of Usak in its 100th Anniversary” International Exlibris Competition (Usak, Turkey)
Nagy Imre Prize, 7th Graphic Art Biennial of Szeklerland (Sfantu Georghe, Romania)
The Prize for Foreign Author, 11th Biennial of the Small Forms – Pleven 2022 (Pleven, Bulgaria)
Special Award of prof. ASP dr hab. Krzysztof Polkowski, Rector of the Academy of Art in Gdańsk, 11th International Exlibris and Small Graphic Form Competition Amber – The Gold of the Baltic Sea (Gdańsk, Poland)
Honour Mention, International Ex Libris Competition “Lithuanian Gothic Art: Reflection on Trakai’s Aesthetics and Phenomena” (Trakai, Lithuania)
Honour Mention, BIMPE XI – The Eleventh Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition (Vancouver, Canada)
Honour Mention, 26th International Eastern Salon of Art, Lublin (Lublin, Poland)
Second Prize, XIII Premio de Grabado y Vino Pedro Vivanco (Logroño, La Rioja, Spain)
Second Prize – Creative Process Award 2021, 7th ANNUAL ON PAPER INTERNATIONAL PRINTMAKING AWARD 2021 (Barcelona, Spain)
Second Prize, 4th Jogja International Miniprint Biennale “Trans Pandemic” (Yogyakarta, Indonesia)
Awagami Prize, 13th Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition 2021, Center for Contemporary Printmaking (Norwalk, CT, USA)
Second Prize, 4th International Exlibris Competition Varna (Varna, Bulgaria)
Special Award for the development of world contemporary graphic art, 10th International Triennial of Graphic Art, (Bitola, Macedonia)
Honour Mention, International Triennial of Ex-libris and Small Format Print Graphics World Culture Heritage, (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Honour Mention, 6th Kazan International Printmaking Biennale “Rider” (Kazan, Russia)
Third Prize Trakya University 3rd International Print Contest (Edirne, Turkey)
Honour Mention, 3rd International Print Biennial (Yerevan, Armenia)
Honour Mention, X Biennal Internacional d’ex-libris “Contratalla 40 anys” (Tarragona, Spain)
Honorary Award for Outstanding Work 1, IV International Mini Print Cantabria (Santander, Spain)
First Prize (ex aequo) and Honour Mention “PRIMO PREMIO GRAFICA ITALIANA 2021” (Padova, Italy)
Honour Mention, 2nd International Print Biennale India, Lalit Kala Akademi, Jehagir Art Gallery (Mumbai, India)
II Prize (Prize of the Municipality of Ploiesti), The “Iosif Iser” International Contemporary Engraving Biennial Exhibition, 2021, XIV Edition (Ploiești, Romania)
First Prize, International Bookplate Competition 2020, Trakai Peninsula Castle (Trakai, Lithuania)
Special Mention (Mención especial) V BIENAL INTERNACIONAL DE GRABADO CARLOS HERMOSILLA 2020 (Valparaíso, Chile)
Best in Show in Lithography 8th International Miniature Print Biennale Exhibition (Ottawa, Canada)
Andrzej Stelmasiewicz’s Award, The 10th International Competition for Small Graphics. FANTASY ISLAND (Gdańsk, Poland)
Second Prize on 7th Biennial FOOTPRINT International Exhibition 2020, Center for Contemporary Printmaking, (Norwalk, CT, USA)
First Prize (EQUAL PRIZE) on XXXVIII FISAE International Exlibris Competition 2020 (London, Great Britain)
First Prize on XXVII International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris (Malbork, Poland)
First Prize, Printmaking Category “Constantine the Great International Competition” (Niś, Serbia)
Special First Prize International Ex-libris Competition Cyprus & Poland’ 2019, (Farmagusta, Northern Cyprus)
Honour Mention, II National Printmaking Competition„GRAFITEKA 2019”, (Warsaw, Poland)
First Prize Biennale TGB-eMe Miniestampa 2019, Mexico City (Mexico)
Second Prize – 3rd Bienala Internaționala de Gravura Contemporana – Iași (Iași, Romania)
Award in PRINTMAKING category,
The International Graphic Art Festival UNI Graphica (Krasnodar, Russia)
Second Prize – Premio Atlante Dª María del Rosario Martín, X PREMIO INTERNACIONAL DE GRAVADO ATLANTE – 10th International Print Award Atlante (Riveira, A Coruña, Spain)
Honour Mention, The 11th Edition of Fundación Vivanco Engraving and Wine International Awards – XI PREMIO INTERNACIONAL DE GRABADO Y VINO FUNDACIÓN VIVANCO (La Rioja – Logroño, Spain)
Honour Mention, V Certamen Obra Grafica aLfaRa – 5th Printmaking Competition aLfaRa (Oviedo, Spain)
Second Award on 2nd Jan Feliks Piwarski Graphic Competition of the Print Room of University of Warsaw Library, (Warsaw, Poland)
First Prize on The International Biennale of Lithography (Belgrade, Serbia)
Honour Mention – II BIENAL AREQUERA DE GRABADO ADOLFO BELLOCQ (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Honour Mention – XIII Premio Internacional de Arte Gráfico Jesús Nüñez, Funcacion Ciec (la Fundación CIEC, Centro Internacional de la Estampa Contemporánea) Betanzos. A Coruña, Spain
Certificate of Honour in the 3rd edition of International Exlibris Competition (Varna, Bulgaria)
Grand Prix on IV Certamen Obra Grafica aLfaRa (IVth Printmaking Competition aLfaRa), (Oviedo, Spain)
Jury Honourable Mention on XIIth International Competition for Exlibris (Gliwice, Poland)
Honourable Mention on X BIMPE (The Tenth Biennial International Miniature Print Exhibition) (Vancouver, Canada)
First Prize on 46th International Print Award Carmen Arozena 2018, (Madrid, Spain)
Award in Lithography Category on 7th International Mini Print Biennale Exhibition, (Ottawa, Canada)
Third Prize on the 8th International Biannual Exhibition of Small Graphics, (Tetovo, Macedonia)
Special Award for the Best Set of Works Biennale TGB-eMe Miniestampa 2017 (Mexico City, Mexico)
Grand Prix on 5th Biennale of Contemporary Engraving, Graphic and Animation (Bassano del Grappa, Italy)
Honorable Mention for the best set of works on XXVI International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris 2017 (Malbork, Poland)
Diploma of the Organizing Committee of First International Print Biennale, Yerevan, Armenia 2017
Second Award of Intercontinental Biennial of Small Graphics “Inter-Art” (Aiud, Romania)
Award of Merit on the 20th Da Dun Fine Arts Exhibition 2016 (Taichung, Taiwan),
Honorable Mention of International Lithography Competition LITHO-KIELCE 2015 (Kielce, Poland)
Grand Prix on the 11th International Senefelder Award 2015 (Offenbach, Germany)
Honorable Mention for the best set of works on XXV International Biennial Exhibition of Modern Exlibris 2015 (Malbork, Poland)
Grand Prix on the 6th International lithographic Symposium 2010 (Tidaholm, Sweden)
The International Graphic Art Festival UNI Graphica (Krasnodar, Russia)